The Remarkable Peacetown Download
It happened. Sometime around the turn of the century and the millennium, in the wild natural beauty of Sea Ranch on the north coast of Sonoma County, California, USA. I was part of a men’s gathering. This was not a particularly spiritual retreat, but rather, it began with a golfing outing with a dozen guys and the accompanying partying. After a vigorous, fun day on the course, we retreated to a house owned by one of the gang for dinner and libations. We had all done our share of imbibing, drinking, smoking and consuming the ubiquitous beer. I am not a hardcore drinker but, I certainly imbibed on whatever was passed around that evening. Our host Carl, with help from the guys, produced a gourmand meal and following dinner, I took out my guitar (as I have been known to do in group situations) and hoped to provide a little light entertainment for the boys. After several classic rock and country standards, I realized that all twelve guys were happily singing along, which surprised me, as certainly, none were choirboys. But for the next two hours we sang, laughed and enjoyed the camaraderie. I marveled at the full participation of the group, including requesting everything from Kum-Bay-Ya to Secret Agent Man. The lads were not singing sarcastically, but out of the pure joy of singing together. I had often experienced the unifying force of music in an elementary school setting, but here were a stable of rowdy guys feeling the emotions of joy and laughter from singing together. It was a truly remarkable gathering.
At the end of our soiree, we all dispersed to various rooms in the house for a well-deserved rest from an exciting and full day. All the beds were taken, so I was assigned a hammock outside on the deck of the house. It was a warm, cloudless night, and I could hear the ocean waves rolling in. As I laid in the ecstatic joy of the day, and especially the group singing, I looked up at the stars and noticed the three stars in the constellation of Orion that make up the belt. Remarkably, as I gazed at the Orion’s belt, I received the Peacetown download, which I can only describe as a full operating manual for the idea of creating a worldwide community dedicated to bringing individual peace and subsequently world peace. I felt like Noah getting the directive of 300cubits X 50cubits X 30 cubits. What do I do with this? It came down in big chunks and was very specific. I have no idea how long this transmission went on, but my head was spinning with these incredible and fascinating ideas, so much so, that I fell out of the hammock and hit the deck with a big thud. I heard laughter from the inside and took considerable ribbing the next day, but at the time I did not reveal what had caused my ejection. My mind was blown. I found paper and pencil the next morning and wrote down all I had received the night before.
The Principles of Peace
Peace already exists within each individual as his/her natural state of Being.
An individual may contact this state of being by becoming aware of the peaceful state and acknowledging its existence.
The peaceful state is transmittable from one individual to another. Being at the level of existence, the energy of Peace flows freely from one to another.
A peaceful state of Being can be achieved by all individuals.
World Peace is the result of the accumulative achievements of individual Peace.
Peace is the most powerful source of energy in the universe, because it has an infinite source, and it flows in total abundance.
Peacetown as a worldwide Community
Next, came the idea of building Peacetown as a membership community. Quite clearly the download indicated that you became a member of the Peacetown community when you declared yourself to be one. This made it open to everyone, regardless of race, age, religion or ethnicity. Saints and Sinners all may apply. Each person who declared themselves a Citizen of Peacetown would be required to recruit two new members. A multilevel marketing plan for Peace. With that concept, one person gets two people, those two connect with four, to eight and onward. After only 13 splits you have over 1.5 million citizens who have come together to build the Peace. This fascinating model was a way for Peace loving people throughout the world to join their loving hearts together and build a community of Peace, rather than shaking an angry but ineffective fist at those who promote war. There was no timetable when this needed to happen, but it was a perfect way to grow Peacetown quickly with loving friends of friends. It would cost nothing to become a citizen of Peacetown, just one’s personal commitment to seek the peace within themselves. Then came a strong directive: “Do not fight against war, instead create a peaceful community through music, art and creating beauty.”
The Peace Pot
The Peace Pot is to be a Foundation intended to hold the assets of Peacetown, but it was to be a unique bank. It was unique because the money in this Peace Pot would simply continue to accrue as people donated. This was a compelling idea of building with small and large donations this ultimately huge fund that could rival the war chests of the world. The quote came down quite clearly, “A penny’s worth of Peace will stop a dollar’s worth of war”. The idea then, was once a year the interest and the money eared from this bank would be used to support peace projects around the world as designated by those who contributed to the fund. One person, one vote, regardless of the amount that was donated. The Board of Directors would determine the projects to be funded and all members of Peacetown would vote on where the money should go and funds would be distributed to all the applicants based on the percentage of vote they got from the group. It was a unique concept but it made sense. The war machine is well funded, but peace needs monetary support. Here was a way for individuals, with small contributions to create a powerful leverage. As I contemplated this incredible monetary fund that would continue to build and build, I realized that it had the potential to rival the funding of the war machine, “Peace brings Prosperity”
The Governance of Peacetown
Peacetown is to be guided by a Board of Directors with a male and female from each race (red, yellow, black, brown, white). These Directors are charged with guiding Peacetown according to the Principles of Peace, administering the funds in the “Peace Pot”; and building the Peacetown Community one heart and mind at a time.
Establishing Peacetown
Peacetown is established in a location, when 1% of a given population becomes Citizens of Peacetown through the website. Citizens participate through dedication to the ways of Being in Peacetown and daily meditation on finding their own peace within. We currently have over 1000 Peacetown Citizens in Sebastopol (pop 7985) and the City Council of this very progressive town have declared Sebastopol, CA as Peacetown USA.
The “Ways of Being in Peacetown”
The Ways of Being in Peacetown became an added download and are as follows:
Be Kind
Be Happy
Be Grateful
Create Beauty
Build Community
Love your Neighbor
Choose Love Over Fear
Laugh, Sing, Dance and Play
Meditate and/or Pray everyday
Love Yourself as a Divine Being
See others as Divine Beings
None of the above ideas are new, but they are easy to understand simple to implement. And all work to enlighten the individual and build the Inner Peace.
Peacetown Summer Concert Series
The Peacetown Summer Concert Series was established to bring Love, Peace and Joy through Music and the Arts. Music and Art help to build community, create beauty, and give us the opportunity to celebrate the Divine Being in each of us.
Now more than ever, we need Hearts and Minds to join together in Peacetown to create a world that embraces the Principles of Peace and the Ways of Being in Peacetown. The forces that create war are well-organized and well-funded, but they are no match against the power of peaceful people loving one another and building The Peace Pot into a worldwide bank of love. Remember, “A penny’s worth of Peace will stop a dollar’s worth of war”.
Now is your chance to become a “Piece of the Peace and a Part of the Heart”. There is nothing more powerful than hearts joined together in love. So Be It and So It Is!